Blogs > In The Mix

Reporter Shaun Byron and Video Editor Andrew DuPont sound-off on whatever is on their minds, from politics to pop-culture, from movies to the main stream media. Local, national, world-wide? If it's in the media mix, these two are sure to have an opinion on it.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Colbert's visit to Iraq

Stephen Colbert's "surprise" visit to Iraq finally happened. He made the troops laugh about the very war they are fighting, he had his head shaved by a four-star general, and the POTUS himself made a brief appearance, all inside a former palace of Saddam Hussein. Not bad for a late night comedy show.

This was a pretty big deal for everybody involved it would seem. For obvious security purposes, Colbert couldn't reveal when or where he was going. It's impressive how much clout the comedy show has.

Here's the first episode of the week.

I'll be interested to see what comes next.



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