Blogs > In The Mix

Reporter Shaun Byron and Video Editor Andrew DuPont sound-off on whatever is on their minds, from politics to pop-culture, from movies to the main stream media. Local, national, world-wide? If it's in the media mix, these two are sure to have an opinion on it.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

House votes not to delay digital transition/end to annoying commercials

If, by some chance, you own a TV but never use it, you might not have seen the daily reminders that analog TV is coming to an end next month. At least that's been the plan for several years until the sudden and recent push to delay the transition to digital because an estimated 6.5 million Americans are still not ready, according to Nielsen. These 6.5 million have not either bought a new TV or a digital converter box for their current set, but at this point I don't think delaying the transition a few months is going to help them. The government and television networks have bombarded the viewing public with information about the switch and coupons were available over a year ago to pay a majority of the cost of a converter box. The coupons were good for $40 of the roughly $50 cost. It's hard to believe that 6.5 Million Americans that own TVs did not have $10 to convert them.

But the push to delay the transition faltered in Congress, so unless something changes soon 6.5 Million people will be without TV in 3 weeks. Call me a cynical but if all this time and effort has not been enough, a few more months won't change anything. It's time to get this transition over with. Some people will not make the switch until the moment they absolutely have to and no amount of delaying will change that.


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